




ALL content © I.Davis 2012 unless otherwise stated. Do NOT use without permission.



Elver are a malevolent race of amphibians most likely descended from eels. It seems likely that they came to be as a ersut of the warping chaotic magic prevalent in Tymaera after the demonic incursions since only more recent records (over the last few centuries) note their existence. Or it could be that elver were once a peaceful race that avoided land and its inhabitants until they were touched by Chaos. Either way, they are a threat as they mercilessly attack coastal towns and villages, slaying the people or sacrificing them to appease their deities.

It is fortunate that elver are amphibious and only live in salt water environments because this limits the extent of their attacks to no more than a few miles inland. Their favoured weapons are tridents, but also an elver's skin secretes a foul-smelling clear slime which can make their opponents nauseous. It also helps keep them from drying out when on land.

Since these evil creatures live underwater barely anything is known about them. If an elver is captured then it will commit suicide as there seems to be an extreme code of secrecy within the species.

Only two weaknesses are known for elver: the first is that they fear fire. The second is they hate bright lights and will only surface at night time or dusk. This is because their large opaque white eyes have no irises to constrict and regulate the amount of light getting in.

There are sketchy tales of 'deep elver'. These are apparently similar  to elver, except they have no legs and are a very dark green, almost black in colour. These are never seen on land but are reported to have attaked ships out at sea. Some rumours suggest that these deep elver are the rulers of their more common kin

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Average Statistics
Diet: carnivorous.
Alignment (if any): evil
Life expectancy: 50-120years